မိတ္ေဆြရဲ့ကြန္ျပဳဳတာရဲ႕control panel ,start menu, files folders
ႏွင့္တစ္ျခား Windows resources ေတြရဲ့ access ေတြကိုထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္
ဒီေဆာ့ဝဲေလးကိုသံုးပါ၊ကိုယ္ရဲ႔ ဖိုင္နဲ႔ဖိုဒါေတြထဲကိုသူမ်ားေတြဝင္ၾကည့္လို႔မရေအာင္လည္း
password ခ်လို႔ရပါတယ္၊System file, removable drives, control panel ႏွင့္တစ္ျခား
system ေတြကို ျပဳျပင္ျခင္း၊ဖ်က္ဆီးျခင္းတို႔ကိုကာကြယ္လို႔ရပါတယ္
ဒါေလးကိုသံုးၿပီး Virtual File Folder ေတြ ေဆာက္ထားၿပီး သူမ်ားကိုလွည့္စားလို႔ရတယ္
မိမိေပးထားတဲ့ Password နဲ႔ ဝင္မွ Folder ေတြကို ဖြင့္လို႔ရႏိူင္မယ္
အေသးစိတ္ကိုေအာက္မွာ ဆက္လက္ဖတ္ရႈ႕ႏိူင္ပါတယ္
လိုအပ္လို႔အသံုးျပဳ႕ခ်င္တယ္ ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းပါ အထဲမွာ Crack ဖိုင္ပါတဲ့အတြက္
Full version အျဖစ္သံုးလို႔ရပါတယ္ ခင္ဗ်ာ
Folder Guard is a powerful computer security program that you can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources, such as Control Panel, Start Menu, and so on. You can use Folder Guard to lock your personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records. You can even completely hide your private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until you enter a valid password. You can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel, and more.
You can protect with password virtually any folder or file, allowing only authorized users to open the protected files or folders. You can protect an unlimited number of files and folders, each with its own password, or you can use the Master Password of Folder Guard to unprotect them all at once.
What you can do with Folder Guard:
• Hide folders from prying eyes
• Hide files without encrypting them
• Lock files and folders with passwords
• Use Quick Start Wizard of Folder Guard
• Restrict access to Control Panel and other resources
• Set up user-specific restrictions
• Prevent users from installing unauthorized programs
• Prevent users from running programs from the removable disks
• Restrict downloading programs from the Internet with Internet Explorer
• and more
You can protect with password virtually any folder or file, allowing only authorized users to open the protected files or folders. You can protect an unlimited number of files and folders, each with its own password, or you can use the Master Password of Folder Guard to unprotect them all at once.
What you can do with Folder Guard:
• Hide folders from prying eyes
• Hide files without encrypting them
• Lock files and folders with passwords
• Use Quick Start Wizard of Folder Guard
• Restrict access to Control Panel and other resources
• Set up user-specific restrictions
• Prevent users from installing unauthorized programs
• Prevent users from running programs from the removable disks
• Restrict downloading programs from the Internet with Internet Explorer
• and more
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Download link ကိုႏွိပ္ျပီး ေနာက္ tab တစ္ခုနဲ႕ page တစ္ခုေပၚလာပါလိမ့္မယ္။ ငါး စကၠန္႕ေလာက္ ေစာင့္ေပးလိုက္ပါ။ ညာဘက္ေထာင့္မွာ Skip ဆိုတဲ့ button ေလးေပၚလာပါလိမ့္မယ္။ အဲဒီ skip ဆိုတဲ့ button ကိုႏွိပ္လုိက္ရင္ download ဆြဲလိုရတဲ့ page တစ္ခုက်လာပါလိမ့္မယ္။ အဲ့ဒီမွာ download လုပ္ႏိုင္ပါၿပီဗ်ာ